School Registration

FOR AUTHORIZED SCHOOL STAFF USE ONLY – All orders placed by unauthorized users will be billed to the user and not the school.

Submit the following information and we will create an authorized school account for you to place orders through. You will receive an email with your assigned username and password within 24 hours of submittal. Thanks!

    If your school needs a user removed, please email Thanks! 😀

    PO Ordering System Instructions:

    1. Make sure you are authorized to place POs on behalf of your school. All unauthorized users will be billed and responsible for any orders placed with this account. Families do not need a login and should be directed to place their orders with their schools.

    2. Create a login above to use when checking out on the website. Each person placing orders will need their own login so the carts do not conflict during checkout.

    3. Once logged in, you will be given the option to checkout with a PO.

    4. Add all of the kits you need for that order to your cart. Custom Kits can be added at the bottom of the Custom Kits page using the Kit Name and Price the family gave you as quoted by us.

    5. Checkout with a PO, input the PO number. That PO number will be on your confirmation email/receipt so it can be matched to your records and used by us for invoicing.

    6. On the checkout page you will be prompted to input your School Name, the Student Name, and the Family’s Email Address, so that all of this relevant information will be on the Order and available to use during the Trip Planning process.

    7. Complete your order. You will receive a confirmation email that will serve two purposes. The first is as your receipt.

    8. The second purpose of that email is as the Trip Planning email for the family, with important required information and instructions on how they will plan their trip. You will forward a copy of that email to the family, and to the teacher if they request it, and consider that order delivered. This will provide the school with better records and allow for immediate delivery. 🙂

    9. We will have access to all of those emails, so should one be missing or need to be resent, we can do that. You will also be able to see completed orders through your account page on the website. Thanks!